It is one of the most progressive international cultural events in Moscow.
The place where more than 200 artists introduce their works; where you’re not only exposed to the last art-market trends but also can get "personal" with contemporary art by attending multiple workshop-kind events, meeting collectors, and exploring new galleries.

Samsung introduced two conceptual designs to support an idea of art in technology and technology in art.
You can customise The Frame to match your style or your mood, so that you can enjoy the artwork or photography when the TV is off. Forget about a sad black screen, simply select from an excessive art catalogue an era, a direction, a style, or an artist that you want to enjoy right now.
Tsvetnoy Central Market
AD Design Awards
This is an event that aims to bring out the most striking works in the design and architecture of public spaces. It was held between the first and the second waves of COVID-19. This event was the only one in 2020 that had a format close to the usual. It was held in a large venue with many guests. Our main goal was to integrate the Samsung brand into the AD Design Awards event. We designed and created a zone that contained the essence of several Samsung home appliances products of different categories at the same time. The style of the zones was similar to the real interiors of the apartment. Therefore, we managed to show how the presented household products fit into the concept of an ordinary home.
New Samsung Galaxy PR events
Closed PR events are another vector, which we actively worked with and developed. During the pandemic, we organized three closed presentations of new Samsung gadgets for the press and media. Because of COVID-19 the approach to organizing PR events has undergone some changes.

Due to Covid-19 events market was dramatictly changed:
  • One event with a general presentation, a large number of participants
  • Catering, welcome drinks, open banquet
  • Product areas and special decorations
  • Several small events in a row, each with a separate presentation and a limited number of participants
  • Products in individual takeaway packaging, coffee point
  • Separate themed corners, equipment disinfection after each visitor