2nd place in nomination "BEST BRANDED SPECIAL PROJECT"
3rd place in nomination "PEOPLE’S VOTE"

Project "Father and Son"
Like father like son
In Russia, a son means a lot for a family man. it’s a continuation of the family name, it’s father’s hope and pride.

Good habits and a true character - that’s what any man wants to give to his son. Son continues father’s legacy.

This project is about traditions that we want to preserve. How people can see brand through the emotions. We build a bridge from the strong taste of Tea Princess Candy to the strong character of Siberian father who helps his son to become a man.

Father and Sons project was implemented in Siberia Region.
We met candidates for the project, we met their families, listened to their stories, and together with the client we picked those who have been featured on client’s website.

Photo shooting in the field (Siberia Region)
Photographer selection for this project.